Sunday, 4 December 2011

Lost...and Found

This a rather amazing follow up to an incident from the Bogong High Plains walk.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I lost my GPS receiver somewhere between Dibbin Hut and Cobungra Gap.  I backtracked on the day and had a quick search but, unfortunately, I was unable to find it.

Fast forward to Thursday afternoon 3 days ago. My mobile phone rang and an unknown voice asked "Is that Matt?". Not knowing what to expect I answered "Yeah". "G'day" the voice said, "my name's Mark. I was recently hiking on the Bogong High Plains and I found your GPS unit."

As expected, I was amazed. Firstly, that it would be found at all considering the location it was lost in. Secondly, that the guy who found it would have enough integrity to contact me in order to return it. Lastly, as a strange coincidence, the guy's mum has previously taught at the school my wife now teaches at.

Happily back at home...

I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised at some of these events. Bushwalkers tend to be an honest bunch of people. We understand the work others put in and the enjoyment it brings them. Most of us don't want to contribute, in any way, to a loss of this enjoyment. It might be called "The Bushwalkers Code". 

As far as the strange coincidence goes, I guess that's just another good example of our great God's wonderful sense of humour. It certainly has brightened my week.